
Monday 20 September 2010

Lights, Camera, Action!

Had a long day of filming for the documentary today and the end is finally in sight. I have been working on my documentary for about 6 months and for the first time today it actually feels like it is coming to a close.
Though I have enjoyed making the documentary, a lot of it has been fun and it's is so interesting to see the whole process of making a documentary, is surprisingly hard work. It seemed so simple and easy when I agreed to do it but it has proved to be quite the opposite. Long days, repeating scenes numerous times etc. can get very tiresome very quickly.
I don't know how the likes of Katie Price and other 'reality television stars' can have one documentary after another made about them (though I suppose the huge fees they charge help soften the blow!) Luckily, being a classical pianist, I probably won't get asked to do another documentary so I won't have to worry about doing it again :-P
Will keep everyone updated on the progress of actually getting it on TV. Im certainly determined to see all my hard work at least get shown, other wise what's the point.