
Saturday 8 January 2011

Flu, flu and more flu!

Having recently (along with the rest of the UK) been struck down with a nasty bit of flu and been in bed since the 2nd Jan, I thought to myself "right, today is the day I am going to practice," so I mustered up the energy and thought I would look at Prokofiev' Piano Concerto no.4 considering I was meant to have learnt the first movement a couple of weeks ago.
I sat down at the piano for the first time, and my my my was I bad, I felt (and probably sounded) like it was the first time I'd ever touched a piano, I was amazed at just how quick I had deteriorated just from being out of action due to flu, though i suppose in any discipline whether it's an athelete, swimmer or dancer, once you stop practicing you go down hill. So now I will not be leaving my piano for approximately 3 weeks until im back up to scratch. ;-)