
Wednesday 12 January 2011

Twitter craze

As some of you may know I have followed the rest of the universe and have got my own social network sites relating to my website (facebook, twitter, this blog, myspace etc). And I completely understand the point of having a blog, having a facebook page so I can add pictures etc of appearances and things I get up to, but the one I still don't really fully get (even though im strangely addicted) is twitter.
What I don't really understand is why some people might take great pleasure in finding out direct from Cheryl Cole via twitter what she has just eaten or why people enjoy telling the world that the train they are on is packed.  However, I will not be defeated by my ignorance regarding twitter and I will take my 32 followers that I have, yes thats a whopping 32 followers and continue to tweet away. If you are reading this and fancy following me on twitter please feel free...I might even tell you what I've just eaten or that my train is packed. Twitter@NMcCarthyPiano